Friday, March 11, 2011

Twitter Drops The Ecosystem Hammer: Don?t Try To Compete With Us On Clients, Focus On Data And Verticals

For much of the past year, the Twitter ecosystem has been in a state of flux. Ever since Twitter bought Tweetie and turned it into their own native iPhone app, third-party developers have been wondering where this would leave them. Further moves by Twitter into Android, iPad, Mac, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and other spaces have only compounded some of this fear. So Twitter has taken some time today in their developer forum to talk a bit about the state of the ecosystem and give some guidance. It's blunt, but necessarily so. Specifically, Platform lead Ryan Sarver has a fairly lengthy outline of Twitter's line of thinking with regard to third-party clients and services. And while there's a little bit of dancing around the topic at first, it quickly gets very clear: third-parties shouldn't be creating straight-up Twitter clients any further.


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